Upcoming Meetings & Activities:

Children’s Noisy Change Offering
Because the first Sunday of each month has gotten a little full with Communion during the 10:50 service, we have moved the Children’s noisy change offering to the last Sunday of each month.
Pastor Dave wants to visit each family of our church. Please let him know when a good day and time will be to visit your family.
New Life Safety Team

Emergencies can happen anywhere, even in church. It could be a medical emergency, a tornado emergency, a child safety issue, a bomb threat, robbery, physical assault, or the increasing incidents of an active shooter in schools and churches. Victory Memorial is continuing the process of training a “Life Safety Team” to respond in case of any of these emergencies. First was to start locking more doors on Sunday mornings and adding signage that clearly explains which of the doors are unlocked.

The last couple of Sundays you may have noticed a few people in the worship services with radios. We are implementing the use of radios so in case of an emergency we will be able to better communicate without disrupting the entire worship service. For instance, in the case of a medical emergency one of the medical team will be alerted and they can proceed to be sure the medical emergency is handled promptly and properly. And, there will come a time when we will actually go through some emergency drills so that we all know what to do in the case of any type of emergency.

Please know that we value and love our church family and this is the reason we are providing extra levels of safety for you. If you have any questions or would like more information you may stop by the church office and talk to Pastor Dave or Connie.

Upper Rooms
The Upper Room Devotionals are now available in the church office or at any of the church entrances. Pick up one for yourself, your family, your friends…they’re absolutely free and a great read!
Easy Giving
You can now give to the church electronically! There are two new Kiosks which are set up every Sunday morning for anyone to use. Both are located in the Archives room (back of the Sanctuary) located nears signs that say “Giving Center.” You can also click the link on the right hand side of our home page (victorymemorial.org) either while on your computer or smartphone to give. From either of those, you can bookmark the page for quick and easy access. Let us know if you have any questions or need help with anything!
Church Notifications
Very rarely are church services, committee meetings, etc. cancelled, but when they are we always will send out notifications. The quickest and easiest ways we are able to contact our members is by sending both an email and text message out, along with posting something on Facebook. If you would like to be added to one (or both) of these lists, please let the church office know! Word of mouth has always been great, too, so if you know someone who can’t receive a notification from us, please help us out by passing the word along!